フィンゴリモドの長期内服中に tumefactive demyelinating lesion を生じ,開頭減圧術を要した多発性硬化症の 1 例

Translated title of the contribution: A case of multiple sclerosis with a tumefactive lesion during long-term treatment with fingolimod, leading to decompressive craniotomy

Wataru Shiraishi, Takeshi Miyata, Ayano Matsuyoshi, Yui Yamada, Taketo Hatano, Tetsuya Hashimoto

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We report a 57-year-old man with multiple sclerosis since his 30s who was treated with fingolimod for 9 years. He developed left hemiparesis and consciousness disturbance. Brain MRI revealed a mass lesion in the right frontal lobe with gadolinium enhancement. Cerebrospinal fluid examination showed no pleocytosis. The lesion continued to expand after admission, and on the 9th day after admission, decompressive craniectomy and brain biopsy were performed. Brain pathology revealed demyelination in the lesion, leading to the diagnosis of a tumefactive demyelinating lesion. Corticosteroid therapy ameliorated the brain lesion, and we inducted natalizumab. Tumefactive demyelinating lesions requiring decompressive craniotomy are rare, and we report this case for the further accumulation of similar cases.

Translated title of the contributionA case of multiple sclerosis with a tumefactive lesion during long-term treatment with fingolimod, leading to decompressive craniotomy
Original languageJapanese
Pages (from-to)37-44
Number of pages8
JournalClinical Neurology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Clinical Neurology


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