Assessment of Left Atrial Volume Measurements in Normal Young Adult Population

Takashi Asai, Masatsugu Iwase, Kunihiko Sugimoto, Hitoshi Inuduka, Yukiko Nakano, Katsusuke Kaziwara, Megumi Suzuki, Akira Yamada, Hiroyuki Matsuyama, Hitoshi Hishida

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Purpose: To validate a reasonable left atrial volume (LAV) measurement in a normal population, multiple echocardiographic methods were used to evaluate normal referencevalues of LAV. Subjects and Methods: The study subjects consisted of 100 healthy young male adults. Ages ranged from 20 to 45 years (average 25. 1± 3. 6). LA size was measured with the 2 D anteroposterior linear dimension (APD); the cubic equation with APD (Cube method); the ellipsoidal formula (Ellip method); and Biplane modified Simpson rule (Biplane method). Three-dimensional echocardiography (3D) was also applied in 22 cases. Results and Discussion: The Cube (16. 1± 5. 0 ml) and Ellipsoid (26. 3± 7. 2 ml) methods significantly underestimated the LAV compared to the Biplane method (37. 9± 10. 4 ml). In 22 cases, no significant difference was observed between LAV derived by 3D method (37. 5± 11. 1 ml) and those derived by the Biplane method (37. 0± 11. 0 ml). The mean LA volume index (for body surface area) was 22± 5, similar to recently quoted values (22± 6) reported by Wang et al. Conclusion: LA single or triple linear dimensions derived assumptions were not accurate for LA volume measurements. The Biplane method has the closest agreement to 3D methods and is readily applicable with current echocardiographic equipment. The Biplane method should be routinely applied in clinical practice as already reported.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)647-653
Number of pages7
JournalChoonpa Igaku
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2006

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging


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