Clinical Evaluation in the Pancreatico-Biliary System of a Catheter Manufactured from A Shape Memorizing Alloy (SMA catheter)

Naoto Kanemaki, Saburo Nakazawa, Kenji Yamao, Junji Yoshino, Kazuo Inui, Hitoshi Yamachika, Masao Fujimoto, Takao Wakabayashi, Naoko Asakura, Kazumu Okushima, Masumi Watanabe, Ken Hirano, Kou Harada, Hironao Miyoshi

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4 Citations (Scopus)


The advantages and problems of a catheter made of a shaped memorizing alloy (SMA catheter) were investigated in the pancreatico-biliary system. The tip of this SMA catheter has the ability to move either in one direction (one way angle type) or in both forward and backward directions (two way angle type). The latter two way angle type can be inserted into a micro fiberscope and used under the influence of an electric current determining flexibility by heat changes. Ten cases of pancreatico-biliary disease (4 cases of choledocholithiasis, 1 case of common bile duct stenosis and 5 cases of mucin producing pancreatic tumor) were examined using this catheter. The choledocholithiasis and stenosis cases had previously undergone endoscopic shincteropapillotomy. In the present study we inserted the fiberscope and catheter into the main pancreatic duct or the bile duct endoscopically, in nine cases via the duodenal papilla and in one case via a gastropancreatic fistula resulting from tumor invasion. Using the two way angle type catheter the main pancreatic duct or the bile duct could be easily entered allowing clear observation after insertion via the duodenum. In the case of common bile duct stenosis an ERBD tube could be in place with the assistance of the moving tip We, therefore, conclude that the SMA catheter is a useful instrument for application with a micro fiberscope in pancreatico-biliary diagnosis or treatment.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)109
Number of pages1
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1993

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging
  • Gastroenterology


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