Energy management by enhanced glycolysis in G1-phase in human colon cancer cells in vitro and in vivo

Yan Bao, Kuniaki Mukai, Takako Hishiki, Akiko Kubo, Mitsuyo Ohmura, Yuki Sugiura, Tomomi Matsuura, Yoshiko Nagahata, Noriyo Hayakawa, Takehiro Yamamoto, Ryo Fukuda, Hideyuki Saya, Makoto Suematsu, Yoji Andrew Minamishima

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

56 Citations (Scopus)


Activation of aerobic glycolysis in cancer cells is well known as theWarburg effect, although its relation to cellcycle progression remains unknown. In this study, human colon cancer cells were labeled with a cell-cycle phasedependent fluorescent marker Fucci to distinguish cells in G1-phase and those in S+G2/M phases. Fucci-labeled cells served as splenic xenograft transplants in super-immunodeficient NOG mice and exhibited multiple metastases in the livers, frozen sections of which were analyzed by semiquantitative microscopic imaging mass spectrometry. Results showed that cells in G1-phase exhibited higher concentrations of ATP, NADH, and UDPN- acetylglucosamine than those in S andG2-Mphases, suggesting accelerated glycolysis inG1-phase cells in vivo. Quantitative determination of metabolites in cells synchronized in S, G2-M, and G1 phases suggested that efflux of lactate was elevated significantly in G1-phase. By contrast, ATP production in G2-Mwas highly dependent on mitochondrial respiration, whereas cells in S-phase mostly exhibited an intermediary energy metabolism between G1 and G2-Mphases. Isogenic cells carrying a p53-null mutation appeared more active in glycolysis throughout the cell cycle than wild-type cells. Thus, as the cell cycle progressed from G2-M toG1 phases, the dependency of energy production on glycolysis was increased while the mitochondrial energy production was reciprocally decreased. Implications: These results shed light on distinct features of the phase-specific phenotypes of metabolic systems in cancer cells.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)973-985
Number of pages13
JournalMolecular Cancer Research
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 09-2013
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Molecular Biology
  • Oncology
  • Cancer Research


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