Fluorescence-activated cell sorting-based purification of embryonic stem cell-derived neural precursors averts tumor formation after transplantation

Hitoshi Fukuda, Jun Takahashi, Kiichi Watanabe, Hideki Hayashi, Asuka Morizane, Masaomi Koyanagi, Yoshiki Sasai, Nobuo Hashimoto

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

143 Citations (Scopus)


The differentiation of dopaminergic (DA) neurons from mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) can be efficiently induced, making these neurons a potential source for transplantation as a treatment for Parkinson's disease, a condition characterized by the gradual loss of midbrain DA neurons. One of the major persistent obstacles to the successful implementation of therapeutic ESC transplantation is the propensity of ESC-derived grafts to form tumors in vivo. To address this problem, we used fluorescence-activated cell sorting to purify mouse ESC-derived neural precursors expressing the neural precursor marker Sox1. ESCderived, Sox1+ cells began to express neuronal cell markers and differentiated into DA neurons upon transplantation into mouse brains but did not generate tumors in this site. In contrast, Sox1- cells that expressed ESC markers frequently formed tumors in vivo. These results indicate that Sox1-based cell sorting of neural precursors prevents graft-derived tumor formation after transplantation, providing a promising strategy for cell transplantation therapy of neurodegenerative disorders.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)763-771
Number of pages9
JournalStem Cells
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 03-2006
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Medicine


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