Hand Hazzards of Mothers and Actual Conditions of Disposable Diapers: —Second Report from the Questinaires on Diapers—

Kayoko Matsunaga, Kumiko Ohiwa, Chikako Ukei, Ritsuko Hayakawa, Tetsuo Masahashi, Yoshinari Matsumoto, Fujiko Itoh, Mari Tsuji, Teruo Azumi, Ryozo Totani

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We have already reported about the actual conditions of diaper dermatitis and its major factors from the questionnaires about diaper and diaper dermatitis which were set out on 1778 babies aged 6 to 30 months old. In this paper, hand hazzards of mothers and actual conditions of disposable diapers are reported. Even in July when the questionnaires were set out, more than a quarter of the mothers had hand hazzards. Fifty-five percent of mothers answered that their hand conditions got worse after delivery. In consideration with this situation of mother's hand hazzards, usage of disposable diapers was suggested to improve these problems. So we studied of the actual conditions of disposable diapers. The babies who used only disposable diapers were less than 4%, though, merely 12. 9% of the babies never used them. Most of the babies used disposable diapers during going out or at night. There was no difference in the frequency of diaper dermatitis between cloth diapers and disposable diapers. Some pointed out that disposable diapers were too expensive (57.0%), getting too humid and hot in the diapers (31.7%) and easy to cause diaper dermatitis (31.4%), while, the others answered that disposable diapers were convenient at going out (84.1%), not too expensive (4.7%), not causing diaper dermatitis more than cloth diapers (15.7%) and sanitary (18.1%).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1016-1022
Number of pages7
Journalskin research
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1984
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Dermatology
  • Infectious Diseases


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