Human corneal epithelium and endothelium synthesize βIG-H3 in Fuchs' dystrophy

K. Hirano, G. Klintworth, K. Bennett, C. Cintron

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose. βig-h3, recently discovered in corneal stroma, is associated with type VI collagen. Deposition of abnormal sub-epithelial matrix (SEM) and posterior collagenous layer (PCL) by epithelium and endothelium, respectively, in Fuchs' dystrophy gives us the opportunity to determine if these tissues synthesize βig-h3. Methods. Immunohisto-/immunocytochemistry of corneas were conducted with rabbit anti-human βig-h3 and monoclonal anti-human type VI collagen. Labeled sense and anti-sense βig-h3 DNA probes were used for in situ hybridization. Results. βig-h3 specific fluorescence was found just beneath detached epithelium in SEM, Descemet's membrane and PCL. Type VI collagen co-localized with βig-h3 within abnormal SEM and corneal stroma adjacent to Descemet's membrane. βig-h3 mRNA was detected only in corneal epithelium of dystrophic corneas. Conclusions. Expression of βig-h3 in Fuchs' dystrophy is consistent with the synthesis of new extracellular matrices by epithelial and endothelial tissues. Association of βig-h3 with type VI collagen in abnormal SEM and at the stromal/Descemet's membrane interface suggest this collagen interacts with these tissues and anchors them to the adjacent stroma. βig-h3 mRNA in corneal epithelium alone indicates that this protein is still being synthesized.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S1019
JournalInvestigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 15-02-1996

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Ophthalmology
  • Sensory Systems
  • Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience


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