Identification of Meflin as a Potential Marker for Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

Keiko Maeda, Atsushi Enomoto, Akitoshi Hara, Naoya Asai, Takeshi Kobayashi, Asuka Horinouchi, Shoichi Maruyama, Yuichi Ishikawa, Takahiro Nishiyama, Hitoshi Kiyoi, Takuya Kato, Kenju Ando, Liang Weng, Shinji Mii, Masato Asai, Yasuyuki Mizutani, Osamu Watanabe, Yoshiki Hirooka, Hidemi Goto, Masahide Takahashi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

77 Citations (Scopus)


Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) in culture are derived from BM stromal cells or skeletal stem cells. Whereas MSCs have been exploited in clinical medicine, the identification of MSC-specific markers has been limited. Here, we report that a cell surface and secreted protein, Meflin, is expressed in cultured MSCs, fibroblasts and pericytes, but not other types of cells including epithelial, endothelial and smooth muscle cells. In vivo, Meflin is expressed by immature osteoblasts and chondroblasts. In addition, Meflin is found on stromal cells distributed throughout the BM, and on pericytes and perivascular cells in multiple organs. Meflin maintains the undifferentiated state of cultured MSCs and is downregulated upon their differentiation, consistent with the observation that Meflin-deficient mice exhibit increased number of osteoblasts and accelerated bone development. In the bone and BM, Meflin is more highly expressed in primitive stromal cells that express platelet-derived growth factor receptor α and Sca-1 than the Sca-1-negative adipo-osteogenic progenitors, which create a niche for hematopoiesis. Those results are consistent with a decrease in the number of clonogenic colony-forming unit-fibroblasts within the BM of Meflin-deficient mice. These preliminary data suggest that Meflin is a potential marker for cultured MSCs and their source cells in vivo.

Original languageEnglish
Article number22288
JournalScientific reports
Publication statusPublished - 29-02-2016
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

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