Immediate breast reconstruction with expander following recurrent lesion resection and exchange to silicon breast implant in a pregnant triple negative breast cancer patient: case report

Yuko Kijima, Munetsugu Hirata, Naomichi Higo, Hiroko Toda, Yoshiaki Shinden, Zenichi Morise, Shoji Natsugoe

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A 39-year-old gravida 1 para 1 pregnant Japanese woman underwent skin-sparing mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection with immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) using a tissue expander (TE) at 32 weeks of pregnancy under general anesthesia. Inserted TE (300 cc) was expanded during breast feeding while the volume was 240 cc of the resected breast tissue. One month after delivery, 2 months after surgery, the contralateral healthy breast increased in size and the inframammary line was deviated toward a caudal site which was larger than 300 cc-inflated TE. She stopped breast feeding to receive a systemic chemotherapy after one months-breast feeding. At 3 months after delivery, the healthy breast size was smaller than the 250 cc-expanded breast and both the inframammary lines were at the same level. She was diagnosed local recurrence 3 month-postoperatively, so we resected the recurrent lesion and exchanged TE to silicon breast implant immediately. Finally, a good symmetry was obtained after insertion of the 220 cc SBI. At an IBR using TE, we should know the dynamic change of breast volume and the level of inframammary line of the healthy breast during those phases of pregnancy, delivery, and nursing.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1792-1799
Number of pages8
JournalGland Surgery
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2021

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Surgery


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