Introduction of a joint academic project between the Japan Academy of Nursing Science and the Japanese Pharmacological Society: a scoping review on assessment and preventive care of insulin balls

Sayuri Nakamura, Naoko Kageura, Makoto Oe, Yuko Matsui, Tomomi Horiguchi, Terumi Ueda, Natsuko Seto, Toshihiko Yanagita, Junko Sugama

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Japanese Academy of Nursing Science (JANS) and the Japanese Pharmacological Society (JPS) have been conducting human interaction at each other’s scientific meeting symposia in a home-and-away fashion since 2018. JANS and JPS have been working on a joint scientific project, “Scoping Review: Insulin Balls” since 2021. At the 95th Annual Meeting of the JPS held in 2022, we reported from a nursing perspective on the theme of “Assessment and preventive care of insulin balls from a scoping review”. Subcutaneous injection into insulin balls has been reported to cause poor blood glucose control. Therefore, it is important to prevent insulin balls. In this study, we had the research questions, “What methods are available for assessment of the insulin injection site?” and “What is the care to prevent induration and how effective is it?” and conducted a scoping review. Regarding methods of injection site assessment, most of the literature identified the injection site by palpation, visual examination, and ultrasonography. About the preventive care, there were some reports of insulin balls occurring because patients have been injecting insulin at the same site, even though healthcare professionals instructed them to avoid the same site. Some of the literature had specific teaching methods such as hand site rotation and calendar injection method, and they were reported effective. In the future, we plan to proceed with the review including care after the development of insulin balls.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)178-181
Number of pages4
JournalFolia Pharmacologica Japonica
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Pharmacology


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