Measurements of the doses of eye lens for the workers of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Sumi Yokoyama, Iwao Ezaki, Hideo Tatsuzaki, Shuichi Tachiki, Shigekazu Hirao, Katsunori Aoki, Yoshihiko Tanimura, Katsuya Hoshi, Hiroshi Yoshitomi, Norio Tsujimura

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


In Japan, the possibility to change the current dose limit of the lens of the eye for the radiation workers working in the planned exposure situation (normal controlled situations) to a new ICRP dose limit was discussed. It was further discussed how to appropriately monitor and manage the equivalent dose of the eye lenses for these workers exposed to radiation at their workplaces, such as nuclear and medical facilities. Among the workers exposed to a high-dose radiation at the water storage flange tank deconstructed 90Sr/90Y dominant areas and the nuclear reactor buildings (high dose gamma-ray) of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F-NPP), Hp(10), Hp(3), and Hp(0.07) at the head and the chest (or the upper arm) were estimated by passive personal dosimeters using thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLDs) and radio photoluminescence glass dosimeters (RPLGDs). The relationship between Hp(10), Hp(3), and Hp(0.07) along with the effects of the sites of wearing dosimeters on the head inside a full-face mask and the chest (or upper arm) were discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106399
JournalRadiation Measurements
Publication statusPublished - 11-2020

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Radiation
  • Instrumentation


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