Reliability and validity of the public transportation use assessment form for individuals after stroke

Shin Kitamura, Yohei Otaka, Kazuki Ushizawa, Seigo Inoue, Sachiko Sakata, Kunitsugu Kondo, Masahiko Mukaino, Eiji Shimizu

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Purpose: To examine the reliability and validity of the public transportation use assessment form (PTAF), which was developed for assessing the performance of tasks during public transportation use. Materials and methods: Fifty consecutive patients admitted after a stroke to a convalescent rehabilitation hospital and received field-based practice for public transportation use were enrolled. A physical therapist (PT) and an occupational therapist (OT) independently evaluated actual participant performance using the PTAF. Its internal consistency, inter-rater reliability, and construct validity were examined against other clinical measures related to the ability to use public transportation. Results: Cronbach’s coefficient alpha for the internal consistency for overall PTAF was 0.84 and 0.88 for PTs and OTs, respectively. Cohen’s weighted κ coefficient for the inter-rater reliability for each item ranged from 0.61 to 0.83. Intraclass correlation coefficients for the inter-rater reliability for the mean scores of the items comprising the PTAF were 0.90 for all 14 items, 0.76 for items required for train use only, and 0.88 for items required for bus use only. The correlation coefficients for the construct validity between PTAF and clinical measures ranged from 0.38 to 0.59 (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The PTAF showed sufficient internal consistency, intra-rater reliability, and construct validity.Implications for rehabilitation This study illustrated the inter-rater reliability of the public transportation use assessment form (PTAF), indicating that the PTAF can be used for reliable assessment independent of the rater. The PTAF showed good internal consistency, indicating that each item in the PTAF consistently assessed the ability of patients with stroke to use public transportation. The PTAF correlated with assessment tools such as walking ability, balance, motor paralysis, intelligence, and activities of daily living, indicating that it reflects the functions and abilities necessary to use public transportation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2346-2353
Number of pages8
JournalDisability and Rehabilitation
Issue number14
Publication statusPublished - 2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Rehabilitation


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