Resequencing and association analysis of PTPRA, a possible susceptibility gene for schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders

Jingrui Xing, Chenyao Wang, Hiroki Kimura, Yuto Takasaki, Shohko Kunimoto, Akira Yoshimi, Yukako Nakamura, Takayoshi Koide, Masahiro Banno, Itaru Kushima, Yota Uno, Takashi Okada, Branko Aleksic, Masashi Ikeda, Nakao Iwata, Norio Ozaki

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Background: The PTPRA gene, which encodes the protein RPTP-α, is critical to neurodevelopment. Previous linkage studies, genome-wide association studies, controlled expression analyses and animal models support an association with both schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders, both of which share a substantial portion of genetic risks.

Methods: We sequenced the protein-encoding areas of the PTPRA gene for single nucleotide polymorphisms or small insertions/deletions (InDel) in 382 schizophrenia patients. To validate their association with the disorders, rare (minor allele frequency <1%), missense mutations as well as one InDel in the 39UTR region were then genotyped in another independent sample set comprising 944 schizophrenia patients, 336 autism spectrum disorders patients, and 912 healthy controls.

Results: Eight rare mutations, including 3 novel variants, were identified during the mutation-screening phase. In the following association analysis, L59P, one of the two missense mutations, was only observed among patients of schizophrenia. Additionally, a novel duplication in the 39UTR region, 174620-174623dupTGAT, was predicted to be located within a Musashi Binding Element.

Major Conclusions: No evidence was seen for the association of rare, missense mutations in the PTPRA gene with schizophrenia or autism spectrum disorders; however, we did find some rare variants with possibly damaging effects that may increase the susceptibility of carriers to the disorders.

Original languageEnglish
Article number0112531
JournalPloS one
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 13-11-2014

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General


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