Transumbilical abdominal incision for laparoscopic colorectal surgery does not increase the risk of postoperative surgical site infection

Mizunori Yaegashi, Koki Otsuka, Toshimoto Kimura, Masanori Hakozaki, Megumu Kamishima, Tomoki Hatanaka, Kei Sato, Hitoshi Fujii, Teppei Matsuo, Akira Sasaki

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6 Citations (Scopus)


Abstract: Purpose: Besides antibiotic prophylaxis, antiseptic skin preparation is an important measure to prevent surgical site infection (SSI). No reports have detailed the relationship between SSI and umbilical microflora following laparoscopic colorectal cancer with a transumbilical longitudinal incision. Methods: Risk factors and the rate of SSI were investigated in 453 patients who underwent laparoscopic colorectal resection over a 3-year period. Microbiological samples were collected from the umbilicus and SSI areas. Results: After laparoscopic procedure, we observed SSIs in approximately 5% of cases, with superficial SSI in 15 (3.3%) patients and organ/space SSIs 7 (1.5%). In univariate analysis, preoperative albumin (Alb) value and anastomosis of enterocolostomy were significantly associated with superficial SSI development. Also, age, blood loss, stoma, tumor site (rectum), and Hartmann/abdominal perineal resection (APR) were significant risk factors for organ/space SSI. In multivariate analysis, the preoperative Alb value was the most significant factor associated with a predisposition to superficial SSI. The bacteria detected in SSI were mostly different from those at wound closure. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria were included in organ/space SSI all cases. Conclusions: SSI development with laparoscopic surgery reportedly occurs in about 3–15% cases. The SSI rate in this study and other reports was comparable. Using small transumbilical longitudinal incision in laparoscopic colorectal surgery is less likely to cause SSI when sufficient control measures are enacted, even though the umbilicus contains resident bacteria in abundance.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)715-722
Number of pages8
JournalInternational Journal of Colorectal Disease
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 01-05-2017
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Gastroenterology


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