A randomized trial of respiratory status during airway stenting under general anesthesia spontaneous respiration vs. Controlled ventilation with muscle relaxants

Sakura Okamoto, Hideo Saka, Masahide Oki, Namie Somiya, Sachiyo Yokoyama, Yoshihiro Mizutani, Akiko Kada, Akira Tomita

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術論文査読

1 被引用数 (Scopus)


Airway stenting is a procedure in which a stent is inserted into a stenotic site in the airway. However, the optimal ventilation for airway stenting remains controversial. We have planned a randomized, unblinded controlled study to compare intraoperative respiratory status by dividing patients, who underwent airway stenting, into spontaneous respiration (SP) and controlled ventilation with muscle relaxants (MR) groups. This study started in April 2016. The subjects, patients aged >20 years with airway stenosis caused by malignant neoplasms for which airway stenting was scheduled, are randomly allocated to SP and MR groups. Anesthesia management is performed in accordance with the anesthetic methods established in each group to compare parameters of the intraoperative respiratory status. The primary endpoint is the incidence of intraoperative oxygen desaturation events (SpO2<95). Secondary endpoints are the mean intraoperative P/F ratio, pH, PaCO2, adverse events, and proportion of protocol treatment achievement. Currently, there is no evidence of anesthetic methods affecting airway stenting. Some studies have claimed that muscle relaxants worsen airway stenosis, while others have reported stable anesthetic management of controlled ventilation with muscle relaxants in airway stenting. This study may aid in clarifying anesthetic methods for airway stenting.

ジャーナルKurume Medical Journal
出版ステータス出版済み - 2017

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 医学一般


「A randomized trial of respiratory status during airway stenting under general anesthesia spontaneous respiration vs. Controlled ventilation with muscle relaxants」の研究トピックを掘り下げます。これらがまとまってユニークなフィンガープリントを構成します。
