Associations of Serum MicroRNA with Bone Mineral Density in Community-Dwelling Subjects: The Yakumo Study

Hiroaki Nakashima, Kei Ando, Kazuyoshi Kobayashi, Taisuke Seki, Shinya Ishizuka, Ryosuke Fujii, Yasuhiko Takegami, Hiroya Yamada, Yoshitaka Ando, Koji Suzuki, Yukiharu Hasegawa, Shiro Imagama

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術論文査読

8 被引用数 (Scopus)


Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by deterioration of bone tissue and mass, with an increasing global prevalence. Therefore, the discovery of biomarkers for osteoporosis would help to guide appropriate treatment. Circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) have become increasingly recognized as biomarkers for detecting diseases. However, few studies have investigated the association of circulating miRNA with osteoporosis in the general population. The aim of this study was to identify miRNA associated with osteoporosis in a general resident health check-up for potential use as an osteoporosis biomarker. We conducted a cross-sectional study as part of a health check-up program and recruited 352 volunteers (139 men, 213 women, mean age 64.1±9.6 years). Osteoporosis was diagnosed according to the WHO classification. Twenty-two candidate microRNAs were screened through real-time quantitative PCR, and miRNAs associated with osteoporosis were analyzed using logistic regression analysis including other risk factors. In total, 95 females and 30 males were diagnosed with osteoporosis with bone mineral density tests (BMD: T-score<-2.5). We found that miR195 was significantly lower in females, while miR150 and miR222 were significantly higher in males. The results of the logistic regression analysis indicated that in females, higher age and lower miR195 (odds ratio: 0.45, 95% confidential interval: 0.03-0.98) were significant risk factors for lower BMD, while the presence of a smoking habit and lower miR150 (odds ratio: 1.35, 95% confidential interval: 1.02-1.79) were significant risk factors for osteoporosis. Serum levels of miR195 and miR150 are independently associated with low bone mineral density in females and males, respectively.

ジャーナルBioMed Research International
出版ステータス出版済み - 2020

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 免疫学および微生物学一般
  • 生化学、遺伝学、分子生物学一般


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