Dosimetric impact of systematic spot position errors in spot scanning proton therapy of head and neck tumor

Keisuke Yasui, Yuta Omi, Akira Shimomura, Rie Muramatsu, Hiromitsu Iwata, Hiroyuki Ogino, Naoki Hayashi

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術論文査読

1 被引用数 (Scopus)


Purpose: The spot position is an important beam parameter in the quality assurance of scanning proton therapy. In this study, we investigated dosimetric impact of systematic 15 spot position errors (SSPE) in spot scanning proton therapy using three types of optimization methods of head and neck tumor. Materials and Methods: The planning simulation was performed with ± 2 mm model SSPE in the X and Y directions. Treatment plans were created using intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT) and single-field uniform dose (SFUD). IMPT plans were created by two optimization methods: with worst-case optimization (WCO-IMPT) and without (IMPT). For clinical target volume (CTV), D95%, D50%, and D2cc were used for analysis. For organs at risk (OAR), D mean was used to analyze the brain, cochlea, and parotid, and D max was used to analyze brainsetem, chiasm, optic nerve, and cord. Results: For CTV, the variation (1 standard deviation) of D95% was ± 0.88%, 0.97% and 0.97% to WCO-IMPT, IMPT, and SFUD plan. The variation of D50% and D2cc of CTV showed <0.5% variation in all plans. The dose variation due to SSPE was larger in OAR, and worst-case optimization reduced the dose variation, especially in D max. The analysis results showed that SSPE has little impact on SFUD. Conclusions: We clarified the impact of SSPE on dose distribution for three optimization methods. SFUD was shown to be a robust treatment plan for OARs, and the WCO can be used to increase robustness to SSPE in IMPT.

ジャーナルJournal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics
出版ステータス出版済み - 04-2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 腫瘍学
  • 放射線学、核医学およびイメージング


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