Gamified exercise for the distal upper extremity in people with post-stroke hemiparesis: feasibility study on subjective perspectives during daily continuous training

Kazuki Ito, Shintaro Uehara, Akiko Yuasa, Kazuki Ushizawa, Shigeo Tanabe, Yohei Otaka

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術論文査読

1 被引用数 (Scopus)


Introduction: Dose (number of repetitions) has been suggested as a key element in the effectiveness of rehabilitation exercises to promote motor recovery of the hemiparetic upper limb. However, rehabilitation exercises tend to be monotonous and require significant motivation to continue, making it difficult to increase the exercise dose. To address this issue, gamification technology has been implemented in exercises to promote self-engagement for people with hemiparesis in continuing monotonous repetitive movements. This study aimed to investigate how subjective perspectives, specifically enjoyability, motivation to continue, and expectancy of effectiveness, change through continuous daily exercise using a developed gamified exercise system. Materials and Method: Ten people with stroke suffering upper limb dysfunction underwent daily gamified exercise for seven days. The gamified exercise consisted of an electromyography (EMG)-controlled operating system that enabled users to play virtual games using repetitive finger movements. The participants performed conventional self-exercise on the same day as the control exercise, and rated their subjective perspectives on both exercises on a numerical rating scale on each exercise day. Results: Ratings for enjoyability and motivation to continue consistently showed significantly higher scores for the gamified exercise than for conventional self-exercise on all exercise days. A similar trend was observed in the ratings for the expectancy of effectiveness. No changes over time were found in any of the ratings throughout the exercise period. Conclusions: Exercise using the developed EMG-controlled gamified system may have the potential to maintain motivation and enjoyment in people with stroke to continue monotonous repetitive finger movements.

ジャーナルAnnals of Medicine
出版ステータス出版済み - 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 医学一般


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