Hospital-Wide Surveillance of Fracture Risk Assessment by Both FRAX and Medication Patterns in Acute Care Hospital

Takao Tobe, Misaki Kubo, Takahiro Toda, Mitsuhiro Morita, Mika Watanabe, Shigeki Yamada, Atsushi Suzuki, Takahiro Hayashi

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術論文査読


To identify patients at a high risk for primary and secondary osteoporotic fractures using fracture risk assessments performed using the current method and the proposed method, in an acute care hospital and to identify departments where high-risk patients are admitted. This retrospective study included patients aged 40-90 years who were hospitalized at Fujita Health University Hospital. We collated the clinical data and prescriptions of all study participants. We also gathered data pertaining to risk factors according to Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX). Of the 1595 patients, the mean number of major osteoporotic fracture risk predicted using FRAX was 11.73%. The department of rheumatology showed the highest fracture risk (18.55 ± 16.81) and had the highest number of patients on medications that resulted in reduced bone mineral density (1.07 ± 0.98 medication). Based on the FRAX, the proportion of patients in the high-risk group in this department was significantly higher compared with those in the remaining departments with respect to glucocorticoid administration, rheumatoid arthritis, and secondary osteoporosis. However, the departments included in the high-risk group were not necessarily the same as the departments included in the top group, based on the administered medications. FRAX score is calculated based on various risk factors; however, only glucocorticoid corresponds to medications. We should focus on medication prescription patterns in addition to FRAX to improve fracture risk assessment in hospital-wide surveillance. Therefore, we recommend the use of FRAX along with the prescribed medications to identify departments that admit high-risk patients.

ジャーナルBiological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
出版ステータス出版済み - 07-2022

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 薬理学
  • 薬科学


「Hospital-Wide Surveillance of Fracture Risk Assessment by Both FRAX and Medication Patterns in Acute Care Hospital」の研究トピックを掘り下げます。これらがまとまってユニークなフィンガープリントを構成します。
