Radiation Therapy for Uterine Cervix Cancer: Importance of evaluation of pre-treatment tumor size with MR imaging

Masahiro Sasaoka, Yoshihito Nomoto, Kazufusa Shoji, Shigeki Kobayashi, Shun Toyota, Tsuyoshi Nakagawa

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術論文査読

2 被引用数 (Scopus)


From May 1992 through December 1995, a total of 42 patients with previously untreated squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix were treated by using middle-dose-rate intracavitary therapy, and their previously treated local tumor volume was evaluated with MRI. According to the staging of FIGO, 2 patients were classified as Stage IB, 2 as IIA, 18 as IIB, 1 as IIIA, 14 as IIIB, 2 as IVA and 3 as IVB. Cumulative 3-year survival rates were 89% in Stage IIB and 54% in IIIB. 3-year local control rates were 100% in Stage IIB and 67% in IIIB. On the other hand, the cumulative survival rate for the local control group in all stages was 100% at 2 years and 82% at 3 years. For the pelvic failure group it was 41% at 2 years. All of those in the pelvic failure group had bulky local tumor sizes of more than 60mm in the previous treatment MRI study. The 3-year cumulative survival rate and local control rate for tumors less than 60mm were 84% and 100%, but for tumors over 60 mm the respective rates were 45% and 33% (p < 0.01). The a results showed that the group with pretreatment of local tumors over 60 mm on MRI had a poor outcome. We concluded that pretreatment tumor volume is an important factor in prognosis and the evaluation of pretreatment tumor volume by imaging study (MRI) is necessary.

ジャーナルNippon Acta Radiologica
出版ステータス出版済み - 1997

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 放射線学、核医学およびイメージング
  • 腫瘍学


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