Thin bronchoscopic cryobiopsy using a nasobronchial tube

Masahide Oki, Hideo Saka, Yoshihito Kogure, Hideyuki Niwa, Akane Ishida, Arisa Yamada, Atsushi Torii, Chiyoe Kitagawa

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術論文査読

5 被引用数 (Scopus)


Background: Transbronchial lung cryobiopsy is useful when diagnosing lung lesions. However, prevention of associated bleeding complications is essential. This study aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of our novel bronchoscopic cryobiopsy technique, which uses a long nasobronchial tube to prevent blood flooding the central airway. Methods: Patients with localized or diffuse lung lesions were prospectively enrolled and underwent cryobiopsy using a 1.9 mm diameter cryoprobe and a 4.0 mm diameter thin bronchoscope under conscious sedation. For cryobiopsy, a long silicone tube (inner diameter, 5.0 mm) was advanced through the nose to the target bronchus, then wedged to drain blood under thin-tube bronchoscopic control. The primary endpoint was the frequency of bleeding complications. Results: Of the 80 patients initially enrolled, 73 that underwent at least one cryobiopsy were ultimately included. Mild bleeding during cryobiopsy occurred in 58 patients (79.5%), but there was no moderate or severe bleeding. Other complications occurred in four patients (two pneumothorax, one pneumomediastinum, and one pneumonia). Tube dislocation was noted in eight patients (11%). Cryobiopsy specimens were significantly larger than forceps biopsy specimens (9.0 mm2 vs. 2.7 mm2, P <.001) and allowed specific diagnoses in 50 patients (68.5%). Conclusions: Thin bronchoscopic cryobiopsy using a nasobronchial tube in consciously sedated patients is safe and effective. Trial registration Date of registration: 24/06/2019. UMIN-Clinical Trials Registry; Identifier: UMIN000037156

ジャーナルBMC pulmonary medicine
出版ステータス出版済み - 12-2022

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 呼吸器内科


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