TYRO3 as a potential therapeutic target in breast cancer

Roudy Chiminch Ekyalongo, Toru Mukohara, Yohei Funakoshi, Hideo Tomioka, Y. U. Kataoka, Yohei Shimono, Naoko Chayahara, Masanori Toyoda, Naomi Kiyota, Hironobu Minami

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術論文査読

26 被引用数 (Scopus)


Aim: We evaluated the potential of TYRO3 as a therapeutic target in various types of breast cancer cell lines. Materials and Methods: The effects of TYRO3-knockdown by small interfering RNA (siRNA) on proliferation, cell-cycle distribution, and cell signaling in four estrogen receptor (ER)-positive/HER2-non-amplified (luminal-type), two ER-negative/HER2-amplified (HER2-type), and two ER-negative/HER2-non-amplified (triple negative [TN]-type) cell lines were compared. Results: Whereas TYRO3 knockdown induced the greatest proliferation suppression in luminal-type cells, and to a lesser extent in HER2-type cells, no proliferation inhibition was observed in TN-type cells. The TYRO3 siRNA-induced proliferation inhibition in luminal-type cells was observed in both estradiol (E2)-rich and -null conditions. The proliferation suppression was correlated with G0-G1/S cell-cycle arrest. Western blot analysis showed a decrease in phosphorylation of ERK1/2 or STAT3, and in cyclin D1 only in cell lines sensitive to TYRO3-knockdown. Conclusion: TYRO3 is a potential therapeutic target in breast cancer, particularly in luminal-type cells.

ジャーナルAnticancer research
出版ステータス出版済み - 01-07-2014

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 腫瘍学
  • 癌研究


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